Monday 19 October 2015

The diary of an insecure woman - Introduction

I think it's important that, as women, we build each other up and believe in each other's abilities. It's easy to allow another woman's achievements deflate our own, especially with the way the media is constantly comparing us women to each other - more so than they do with the men in the world. Too often I see and hear women cringing about other women. Whether it's to put them down, complain about things they have done -or haven't done for that matter. We're easy targets for one another, in my opinion. I honestly think that needs to change. Every woman should be celebrated for her ability to be the greatest woman she can be. If that means she is training for a marathon, great. If that means she is beginning a new business venture, great. If that means she choosing to stop working and look after her children, great. But what about those who do do awful things? How do we celebrate their choices? Well I guess we just have to believe in the fact that they have made a mistake and believe in their ability to learn from it. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Who are we to judge, though? Every woman is wonderful and is achieving her best every day, regardless of whether or not her choices match another woman's choices, exactly. We need to celebrate each other, ladies. For our choices don't just define us as individuals, they define us as women too. I support every woman alive, because no one is perfect and I am not ashamed to admit that I am definitely not. Are you?

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