Tuesday 13 October 2015

My seven yr old son and I wrote this book together! FULL REFUND IF YOU'RE NOT HAPPY!!

So, we're driving home from the shops when my seven year old son comes up with this idea for a book.
It was overcast that day. He turned to me and said, "Mum, the clouds look really dark today and they are so low. It's almost like there is something between the sky and the clouds, pushing the clouds down. Something dark. Something scary." 

Immediately, I thought, how can I turn this into a book? I prompted him more about what, in his opinion, it could be. That's where the idea about the spider came from. 

"The most scariest things are spiders. If a spider was in our town, a big one, up above the clouds, that would be so scary," he said.

He also said it would have to have really long legs if it were to reach the clouds. This is how we came up with the idea that our villian would be a daddy long legs. 

Creepin', Crawlin'....Legz A Sprawlin'! is a pictureless book that my son and I both came up with. It's set in Killarney, Queensland and is a complete rhyming book. 

It's not all scary. At most, it's a bit of fun. More importantly, it has a wonderful moral to the story. Go to www.amazon.com today and search 'Chloe Silva' to purchase it today as an ebook or hard copy. Trust me- you won't be disappointed!

Because I'm so sure that you won't be disappointed, I'm offering a money back guarantee. If you're not happy with the book, contact me directly at chloesilva16@gmail.com for a full refund.

Go to www.facebook.com/imaginiif for details.

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