Monday 19 October 2015

The diary of an insecure woman - A bit about me

Well I am like you. A regular woman. I'm also 29 years old. I'd like to know how old you are? If anyone is even reading this? Please tell me if you are. I'm not any special person. Just a regular woman - a nobody, I could say. But that would be putting myself down, wouldn't it? Well, in that case, I'll change that remark. But I won't erase it. Because I am trying to be myself -unfiltered. I'm not really a nobody. Not in my own life, I suppose. I am a mother, a girlfriend, and a full time student. I study psychology, actually. And I have a genuine interest in people.
I'm the person at the bus stop that you could sit beside and tell all your worries to, and I wouldn't mind listening. I'm the person that will drive you around if your car breaks down and you have nobody else to help you. I'm the person that will look after your children, make you dinner every night and literally go out of my way for any person at any time of the day. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a people pleaser in any way, shape, or form. I just try to understand people. Put myself in their shoes and be there. I always think that if I can be the one person who is nice to someone or will go out of my way for someone without being 'bothered' by it, well, that will make my day, each and every day. I won't let people use me though. That is something I feel strongly about. Everyone should be treated with respect, and I am a huge believer in this.

Now, by no means am I trying to talk myself up. I have SOO many flaws. (so many!) I just thought I'd start with the positives first, but now I am re-thinking that idea. Should I have ended on a positive note, instead of a negative? Oh well, no erasing. That's what I said, and I am sticking to that. Okay, back to flaws. I am not the person who will remember your birthday, buy you a Christmas present, or remember to call you back. My memory is absolutely shocking, which means I can be unreliable at the best of times. My best friend, Heidi, can never understand why I ALWAYS say, "I'll call you back in five" and then hardly ever follow through. "How can you forget something within five minutes of doing or saying something?" she has said to me countless times. I used to feel so guilty for doing it and often worried that she thought I was doing it on purpose. Thankfully, she has assured she knows me well enough to know that I am just 'naturally forgetful'. We won't even go into the details of the time that I bought the whole family tickets to the circus as a surprise - which cost well over a hundred dollars - and then FORGOT that I'd bought the tickets in the first place. It wasn't until a week later, and after the circus had moved on, that I realised what I had done. After this, I made a vow to never buy things as a surprise, or, if I did, to at least tell SOMEONE of the surprise so that they could remind me.

I believe everyone was put on this earth for a particular reason. We should discover talent in every person and celebrate those talents. This is my mission on earth. I guess this is the reason I am studying psychology. My dream is to become a Child and Youth Psychiatrist, but I feel anxious about making grades to get there.  I honestly believe that is where it starts though - as kids. But I'll talk about that more in my next blogs. For now, I'll say good bye.

P.S I hope this wasn't the world's most boring blog :/

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