Wednesday 21 October 2015

Taken from Creepin', Crawlin'....Legz A Sprawlin'! Written by Chloe Silva. 

Available at

Creepin Crawlin.... Legz A Sprawlin! is a 40 page text-only book, about a 13 year old boy who wakes up one morning to discover his family has disappeared and he couldn't be happier. Especially since his annoying little sister isn't around to bug him, but when he discovers that they are in danger of being killed by an enormous creature and he is the only one who can save them, he risks his life to ensure their safety. This is a book about the importance of family, fun and realising that the grass isn't always greener.

Monday 19 October 2015

The diary of an insecure woman - A bit about me

Well I am like you. A regular woman. I'm also 29 years old. I'd like to know how old you are? If anyone is even reading this? Please tell me if you are. I'm not any special person. Just a regular woman - a nobody, I could say. But that would be putting myself down, wouldn't it? Well, in that case, I'll change that remark. But I won't erase it. Because I am trying to be myself -unfiltered. I'm not really a nobody. Not in my own life, I suppose. I am a mother, a girlfriend, and a full time student. I study psychology, actually. And I have a genuine interest in people.
I'm the person at the bus stop that you could sit beside and tell all your worries to, and I wouldn't mind listening. I'm the person that will drive you around if your car breaks down and you have nobody else to help you. I'm the person that will look after your children, make you dinner every night and literally go out of my way for any person at any time of the day. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a people pleaser in any way, shape, or form. I just try to understand people. Put myself in their shoes and be there. I always think that if I can be the one person who is nice to someone or will go out of my way for someone without being 'bothered' by it, well, that will make my day, each and every day. I won't let people use me though. That is something I feel strongly about. Everyone should be treated with respect, and I am a huge believer in this.

Now, by no means am I trying to talk myself up. I have SOO many flaws. (so many!) I just thought I'd start with the positives first, but now I am re-thinking that idea. Should I have ended on a positive note, instead of a negative? Oh well, no erasing. That's what I said, and I am sticking to that. Okay, back to flaws. I am not the person who will remember your birthday, buy you a Christmas present, or remember to call you back. My memory is absolutely shocking, which means I can be unreliable at the best of times. My best friend, Heidi, can never understand why I ALWAYS say, "I'll call you back in five" and then hardly ever follow through. "How can you forget something within five minutes of doing or saying something?" she has said to me countless times. I used to feel so guilty for doing it and often worried that she thought I was doing it on purpose. Thankfully, she has assured she knows me well enough to know that I am just 'naturally forgetful'. We won't even go into the details of the time that I bought the whole family tickets to the circus as a surprise - which cost well over a hundred dollars - and then FORGOT that I'd bought the tickets in the first place. It wasn't until a week later, and after the circus had moved on, that I realised what I had done. After this, I made a vow to never buy things as a surprise, or, if I did, to at least tell SOMEONE of the surprise so that they could remind me.

I believe everyone was put on this earth for a particular reason. We should discover talent in every person and celebrate those talents. This is my mission on earth. I guess this is the reason I am studying psychology. My dream is to become a Child and Youth Psychiatrist, but I feel anxious about making grades to get there.  I honestly believe that is where it starts though - as kids. But I'll talk about that more in my next blogs. For now, I'll say good bye.

P.S I hope this wasn't the world's most boring blog :/

The diary of an insecure woman - Introduction

I think it's important that, as women, we build each other up and believe in each other's abilities. It's easy to allow another woman's achievements deflate our own, especially with the way the media is constantly comparing us women to each other - more so than they do with the men in the world. Too often I see and hear women cringing about other women. Whether it's to put them down, complain about things they have done -or haven't done for that matter. We're easy targets for one another, in my opinion. I honestly think that needs to change. Every woman should be celebrated for her ability to be the greatest woman she can be. If that means she is training for a marathon, great. If that means she is beginning a new business venture, great. If that means she choosing to stop working and look after her children, great. But what about those who do do awful things? How do we celebrate their choices? Well I guess we just have to believe in the fact that they have made a mistake and believe in their ability to learn from it. Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Who are we to judge, though? Every woman is wonderful and is achieving her best every day, regardless of whether or not her choices match another woman's choices, exactly. We need to celebrate each other, ladies. For our choices don't just define us as individuals, they define us as women too. I support every woman alive, because no one is perfect and I am not ashamed to admit that I am definitely not. Are you?

Tuesday 13 October 2015

My seven yr old son and I wrote this book together! FULL REFUND IF YOU'RE NOT HAPPY!!

So, we're driving home from the shops when my seven year old son comes up with this idea for a book.
It was overcast that day. He turned to me and said, "Mum, the clouds look really dark today and they are so low. It's almost like there is something between the sky and the clouds, pushing the clouds down. Something dark. Something scary." 

Immediately, I thought, how can I turn this into a book? I prompted him more about what, in his opinion, it could be. That's where the idea about the spider came from. 

"The most scariest things are spiders. If a spider was in our town, a big one, up above the clouds, that would be so scary," he said.

He also said it would have to have really long legs if it were to reach the clouds. This is how we came up with the idea that our villian would be a daddy long legs. 

Creepin', Crawlin'....Legz A Sprawlin'! is a pictureless book that my son and I both came up with. It's set in Killarney, Queensland and is a complete rhyming book. 

It's not all scary. At most, it's a bit of fun. More importantly, it has a wonderful moral to the story. Go to today and search 'Chloe Silva' to purchase it today as an ebook or hard copy. Trust me- you won't be disappointed!

Because I'm so sure that you won't be disappointed, I'm offering a money back guarantee. If you're not happy with the book, contact me directly at for a full refund.

Go to for details.

Monday 12 October 2015

Warner thinks girls are weird and annoying and whenever they're around,  he can't help but become irritated. 
Why do they ask so many questions? 
Why do they talk so much?  
Why won't they just shut up?  

When Bethany, the weirdest girl in school, comes to stay for two weeks, Warner is convinced his life is over. But when the pair are forced to spend more time together, Warner realises just how weird this girl really is. 
Caught off guard and unaware, Warner becomes caught in world completely unknown to him. Will he be able to make it out of the world he has fallen in, alive, or will he be trapped forever.

First chapter available on KOBO for FREE!


We all remember dreaming of finding that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and playing out the fantasy in our minds of what we would spend it on, or imagining having our very own genie to make our dreams come true. What were your sacred three wishes?

The Imagine If Fantasies - Short Story Collection aims to provide fun,  imaginative stories for children 0 - 5years old, and while they are long enough to create a great storyline, we know that a 30 or 40 page book, with 10 lines a page just isn't practical as a bedtime story. Imagine If Fantasies' stories are tailored for both children AND their parents.

These kids books are perfect for parents who want to instil imagination and encourage their children that they really can be anything they want to be by simply believing. Go on a new adventure with every Imagine If story.
Available as hard copy from Amazon for under $13.00.

First book in the collection is OUT NOW! 

Please email if you would like book addressed to your child or like 'Imagine if Fantasies' or Chloe Silva on Facebook.